I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty tired of web marketing ads arriving to my e-mail.
Of 2 e-mails I receive from family and friends I receive a gazillion more from private clubs, e-commerce websites and so on... Don't get me wrong, I'm not against private clubs or e-commerce, it's just that they are too invasive from where I see it. For example, I am already a member of a huge number of this clubs. I've really seen them all, from Secret sales, Cocosa, Private Outlet, Rue lalala, Geelbe, BuyVip, Brands4friends, Saldi Privati, Vente Privee... AND YET;
I periodically receive messages on the inbox of the same account I already use as a member of their club, to join! I don't get it.
But then again, maybe I'm just having a moment.
My favorite from this clubs is really Ruelala. This private outlet club is US made and always has the best deals, from the best brands... I wish I could buy from them, but unfortunately I'm too far... Then comes french made Private Outlet.
I really like this site, since their offers are always varied and unconventional. Besides working with well-known brands, they also suggest up-and-coming brands that really hit the spot.
To get a good idea of what the public really thinks about this kind of websites, I went around different blogs, forums, etc. to see what you think. I was surprised to see very negative comments, very good ones, but what really impressed me most, was a comment of a young fellow over a website that had particularly bad reviews. He started saying that he was a member of this club and really had a good experience with it. He then went on to explain that he was surprised about this negativity and he actually said that usually people from competing websites go around forums trashing their competition!! I was aghast! But you know, it really got me thinking...
Internet is a great invention, but it can also be a great weapon. If you really want to put someone down or harm them you can, with the power of a click. And it got me thinking about all the forums, facebook profiles, twitters,blogs, etc. that could be untrue. How many are there? How many people have seen bad reviews and just avoided anything? How many people have been harmed by this situations?
I have bought, returned, not received, waited for refunds and so on of many of this clubs. All of them have long deliveries (since they rely on supplier shipment), all of them have missing quantities (being close outs and obsoletes, suppliers don't really pay that much attention) and all of them have refund waiting lists (since they have to wait to see what arrived, send all orders and then they refund...). I have bought again and had good experiences or bad (in case the first one was good) in all.
Trashing people on the net is horrible. I know everyone is entitled to it's own opinion but if you ask me, at the end of the day, the only opinion that is worth anything, is your own.
1 comment:
Un sogno si realizza quando decidiamo con ogni fibra del nostro essere di concretizzarlo. Quando nel cuore e nelle idee è già in atto...Per cui, Maximiliana: il tuo sogno è già realtà. E' nel tuo cuore e nelle tue idee. Bisogna solo dotarlo di gambe e braccia x farlo muovere!!
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